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Would you like to make your leadership more sustainable?

Let's find out what that could look like for you!


Hi! I'm Helen, Mrs T

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I'm an executive coach and former head teacher. I guess you're here because you're looking for support with the massive and complex job of leading a school. If so, you're in the right place!

Find out more about me and my approach to coaching here.

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Why do we need to make leadership more sustainable?

Book a complimentary consultation and we can talk through the options

Headteachers have been leaving the profession in droves over the last few years. We urgently need to make the job more mangageable and less damaging to physical and mental wellbeing.


Sustainable leadership enables you to:

  • have a fulfilling work life harmony

  • empower your team to do their best work

  • keep doing your job into the long term


Have a look around the site to find out more about how I can support you to achieve sustainability:



Why not subscribe to my 'Sustain' newsletter?
It's totally free and helps you take steps to more sustainable leadership. It's issued fortnightly (so you won't be bombarded!) I share news and ideas on growing your leadership effectiveness and wellbeing.

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